The leading browser game monetization partner

AdinPlay is the expert solution for browser game monetization. Working with hundreds of game publishers to maximize revenues through effective video, display and direct demand.

Reward video for browser game publishers

Rewarding ad formats

Among other high-performing ad formats, rewarded video ads offer users a great ad experience. Advertisers are drawn to formats that hold attention and when users are encouraged to engage in return for in-game benefits, it’s a win-win situation.

900+ directly sold campaigns every year for global brands, powered by Venatus


Direct Sales with Venatus

Through the expert Direct Sales team at Venatus, publishers are able to supplement programmatic earnings by adding direct demand to your ad stack. Capitalize on world-leading advertisers booking high-performing campaigns months in advance.

Ad formats for browser game publishers

With expert ad mediation, publishers can maximize ad yields with highly engaging formats optimized for browser gaming

Video ads

Easily integrate our video player with programmatic and direct demand. A fully unified HTML5 solution for desktop & mobile users

Display banners

Seamlessly include banner ads on your site with premium header-bidding and direct demand

Rewarded video

Ads that offers users a reward in exchange for engagement. Desktop and mobile solutions for browser game publishers

Interstitial ads

Maximize your RPMs between page views and optimize revenue yield for longer session times

Monetize your game with AdinPlay

Get in touch with our expert teams and begin your quest for better ad monetization